Ultimate Movie Year 2

'The Bride of Frankenstein' is the first great movie sequel

Karloff's portrayal in the films blends menace and empathy, so while the audience is always aware of how dangerous the Creature can be, we're also rooting for the big guy, just a little bit.

'The Bride of Frankenstein' is the first great movie sequel

Stanley Kubrick creates a masterpiece with '2001: A Space Odyssey'

Far from the modern franchise model of constant worldbuilding and spinoff characters, "2001" is a complete story with themes we have been wrestling with long after viewing the film. It's an experience that calls us to the edges of our imaginations.

Stanley Kubrick creates a masterpiece with '2001: A Space Odyssey'

The flash of goodness that elevates 'Fargo'

There are few filmmakers working today who are as talented and skillful as the Coen brothers, and almost all of their films deserve study.

The flash of goodness that elevates 'Fargo'